Religious Education
Faith Night!
6:00 - 7:30 pm
A night for the whole community where we will focus and learn about different Social Justice topics!
Faith Formation Registration
To register your child for faith formation online please click the button below
Cost of RE is $50 per child with a maximum family cost of $150.
Contact the parish office with payment concerns.
RE Schedule
Preschool - high school
Everyone eats dinner from 5:30-6:00
Programming from 6:00-7:15
Middle school & High school groups have additional prayer time from 7:15 - 7:30
Parents are welcome to stay for a program that follows along with this year's curriculum topic of Dogmatics.

Topic 1: What is Catholicism?
Topic 2: Who is God?
Topic 3: Who is Jesus?
Topic 4: Who is the Trinity?
Topic 5: Church part 1: doctine and creed
Topic 6: Church part 1: Who is the Church?
Topic 7: Bible part 1: Formation
Topic 8: Bible part 2: Old Testament
Topic 9: Bible part 3: New Testament
Topic 10: Bible part 4: Interpretation of the Bible
Topic 11: Prayer 1: Common and liturgical prayers
Topic 12: Mass part I
Topic 13: Mass part 2
Topic 14: Liturgical Year
Topic 15: Catholic Devotionals
Topic 16: Sacraments I
Topic 17: Sacraments II
Topic 18: Sacraments III
Topic 19: Theological Anthropology
Topic 20: Grace and Salvation
Topic 21: Resurrection and Conversion
Topic 22: What is sin?
Topic 23: Morality
Topic 24: Living in the Church
Topic 25: Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
Topic 26: Saints
Topic 27: Mary
Topic 28: Ecuenism
The history of the Catholic Church series takes you on an adventure through 2000 years of Church history exploring the political, social, and religious events that shaped the church. The series runs on Thursdays from 7-8:30 pm. Recorded sessions and notes are available on this page as soon as they are recorded. The fall series includes the first 1000 years and the spring series includes the 2nd 1000 years. Stay tunes and enjoy the adventure,